Xmas SWIG® Swap 2017 *Enter Now*

Like the look of my SWIGs? Think you'd love to get one as a prezzie for someone? Eyeing your bank balance nervously? Hiding from your bank balance in abject terror?
So, until Saturday 25th November, I have three SWIG Gift Sets to sell - not for money, but for swapsies.
It's your chance to ease up the Xmas spending, spend more on whisky, and have a bit of fun.
1. Email me at david@swigflasks.com and tell me what you'd like offer....
- It can be: Skills/Items/Advice/Services
- It can't be: Custody offers of family members.
2. I'll pick my 3 favourite offers (over a nice SWIG of Bushmills).
3. We'll seal the deal by Saturday 25th November and you get any gift set of your choice in return.
SWIG SWAP 2016...
I made THIS video last year. It was an awesome response. I got over 50 offers (see some below)...It was a difficult choice, but I was only able to take up 3.
- Steven Robbins who runs Fiddle Foundry offered me the pick of his store, but when I saw the Copper Hammered top Spinning top I knew it was the one. It has spun many a time across my table over the past year.
Fred Huergo got in touch about his awesome 3D rendering skills (more of which can be viewed here). It wasn't just that his work was so good, but when he told me about his two friends reuniting in London over Christmas, I was sold! You can see his work HERE.
- Andrew Mills knew the way to my heart; "I have been infusing and maturing my first batch of blackberry whisky, the process started April 2015 and will reach optimum swigging maturity in time for Christmas" Disclaimer: there is no picture because I drank it all before I could snap one...what can I say it was Christmas!
Last years runners up:
- Nick Shack; A years supply of 'SWIG' bespoke stickers. He designed them from scratch and I've been including them in every order. Also put them all over the workshop :D
- Lizzie Ecrichley; Homemade Amaretti Biscuits and 3D dinosaur Gingerbread biscuits. These were RIDICULOUS. There was so many of them and even included a SWIG Flask made of Gingerbread. A* for effort.
- Annette Covey; Handmade bracelet from wood gathered from the Forest floors of Wiltshire. Loved how much care and attention went into this one.
Also a shoutout to Gray Mears.. He offered a tour around the Emergency Operations Centre in London. I was super tempted but didn't find a time to get over to London! Also Darren Thompson who was offering out a full marketing consultation service via Skype. I was so damn busy with Christmas that I didn't have time to change up my strat. But super interesting regardless!
Now that the creative juices have been stimulated, what are you waiting for? Get in touch now with your offer, as you can see there is no limit to the skills that have been rewarded!
Deadline is 25th November 2017.
Good Luck.