The Coolector - A Mightily Spiffing Array
The Coolector The Coolector himself has given us a resounding stamp of approval and calls SWIG Flask "an essential that all men should have in their booze imbibing armoury". He's...
The Coolector The Coolector himself has given us a resounding stamp of approval and calls SWIG Flask "an essential that all men should have in their booze imbibing armoury". He's...
Juniper Diaries Juniper Diaries hits the nail on the head with his review of the Executive SWIG: "akin to a driving a Bentley after driving a Ford for most of your...
Las Vegas Adventures Local Adventurers Esther and Jacob have taken the plunge into the world of hip flasks and effusively reviewed their Heritage SWIGs in Las Vegas, displaying that lovely genuine...
Denmark Beach Adventures A breezy Danish coast is the latest setting for a #SWIGmoment as blogger GinHound trial-runs her SWIG for the very first time. Check out her opinion right here - with enough...