
SWIG Hip Flasks - Lost your lid?

  • By David Galbraith
  • In Hip flask

I was contacted by a swigger last week. They lost their lid on the ski slopes. Damn.
As a result, I've decided to issue free lost lid replacements as a bonus to all swig hip flask owners for nominal delivery cost. 

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SWIG Hip Flasks - History write up!

  • By David Galbraith
  • In Hip flask
The hip flask has a long history, being used even by members of the gentry. Its use has a long history that goes back to the Middle Ages. During the centuries it was really popular, and even nowadays it kept its popularity. However, there are some locations where it is banned to use an alcohol flask in public.
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"Take a SWIG®"... interview with David of SWIG®

  • By David Galbraith
  • In Hip flask

"...The SWIG hip flask is the brainchild of David Galbraith... "Well I'm Northern Irish, so I feel that alcohol was always going to be in my blood!..."

"...There is no doubt that SWIG flasks are unique... branded with it's own unique SWIG number, giving membership to the SWIG Society..."

"...The hip flask was first popularised in its current form during the 18th century by the elite, during the same period women boarding docked naval vessels would hide gin, in make shift flasks made from pig's bladders, under their petticoats..."

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